Dark darker yet darker: fadetogray
Dark darker yet darker: fadetogray

dark darker yet darker: fadetogray

This breed is thought to be several hundred years old and, as its name suggests, has its origins in Finland.

dark darker yet darker: fadetogray

The above right image is of the sheep from flock from which my samples came.

  • Notes: The grey fleece I had that had coats of similar size and grist was very pleasant to spin (I liked all three, but that one was my favorite of the lot).
  • Lanolin: These fleeces were fairly greasy.
  • Double coated fleece but not too much difference between outer and inner coats on one of the samples.
  • Fiber description : Smooth wool with nice curl and waves.
  • Staple length: Two of the samples I got were approximately 4 inches and one was 4.5.
  • They come in a range of colors including white, brown, gray and black. Rams are typically horned and ewes are usually polled but might have scurrs. These are hardy animals bred to live on less pasture in the summer and poor feed during the winter. The Åsenfår is a small sheep from Sweden that is a member of the forest sheep classification of animals (also included are the Gestrikefår, Helsingefår, Svärdsjöfår and Värmlandsfår sheep).

    Dark darker yet darker: fadetogray